» Latgale » Routes

Invitation of Latgale ancestry

Asote – Jersika – Markava – Adamova – Aglona – Rezekne – Ludza – Lubans

Every mountain has own story, history and aura. Climb on Latgale mountain, have a look around and listen in story what mountain can tell to you. Route for cognizing protohistory of Latgale country.
Length of route in Latgale: ~350 km
Duration of route: 2-3 days

Asote castle mound - Castle mound’s height - 10 m. From three sides here are river Darzupite or Lagzde. Castle mound was populated from 1 millenary B.C. till 13 century A.D. New defensive system with ring-type rampart for castle mound was formed in 11th century. From that moment castle mound is considered not only like Latgalian craft and trade centre, but also as administrative and military centre of region. In 1211 there are listed region “Aszute” in an agreement about partition of Latgalian lands between order and bishop, researcher unequivocal relate it with Asote;

Jersika castle mound - Jersika castle mound is located on the coast of Daugava between glens of two brooklets, 9 km after Livani, 200 m from Riga - Daugavpils road. Name of Jersika (Gercike) is many times listed in written sources from 1203 till 1375. Jersika castle mound was economical and political centre of ancient Latgalians Jersika country in period - 12 and 13 century. In the beginning of 13th century here ruled Visvaldis. When German crusaders took Jersika in 1209, they got in their loot also church bell and icons, that witnesses about Christian character of Jersika;

Vasarasgaliski view tower – view tower that is 24 m high was opened in 3rd October, 1991,when was international conference “Cultural environment’s    formation problems in Daugava vale”. From tower you can see eminent beautiful closer and distant views of Vasergaliski and Rozaliski bend, Rozaliski castle, glens and environment’s cultural landscape. From this place is taken design for landscape that is on 10 lats banknote of Latvia;

Markova castle mound in Slutiski –castle mound is located in right coast of Daugava near Markova. Castle mound was partly ruined in the beginning of the 20th century in a result of gravel output. It is overgrown with forest. In 1925 castle mound was discovered by E.Brastins. He valued that there was done insignificant earthworks for castle mounds fortifying, because mountain was delimited only from one side using two bulwarks and moats, that in shallower NE hillside changes into terraces. The contrary South ending was dug off in gravel already;

Adamova castle mound on the Daugava coast in Kraslava - Stretches along Daugava coast and forms very precipitous talus. Here you can see geological formations, also more then 300 millions age old Devon sandstones and white clay. In flood-lands are sand and gravel formations from ice age. In ancient ages her was castle and tradesmen, that used boats for ware transportation, needed to climb up in the mountain and pay taxes. Also here are glens, secular trees, sources, large boulders. There is 40-50 cm turf level under the 26 m deep clastic sedimentary rock’s level, that kind of formation is the only one in Latvia;

Madelani castle mound in Aglona, king’s Mindaugs Mountain – one of the most beautiful castle mounds in Latgale, located on West coast of Liela Dubula Lake. Here exists opinion that castle mound was populated already in 1 millenary B.C., about that witnesses here found handmade pottery clay chippings, stone and bone tools. In 12-13 century here lived Latgalian tribes. From this period there are found horizontal beams building elements, oven remains. In the eighties of 20th century at the foot of castle mound was found ancient village and burial-ground near that. Archeologists found here burial of woman who was dressed as rich woman, burial can be dated in period of 12th century. Admirable fact – the bronze tinklers, that was on her footwear, started to ring even after 800 years!

Rusenica castle mound -

On the South coast of Razna Lake is located one of highest hills in Latgale – Makonkalns (Cloud Mountain) or Padebesu Mountain (its absolute height is 248 m, but relative - about 55 m). One-time here was located castle Volkenberga, built in 1236. Legend tells that after death of Volkenberga castle’s superintendent and his wife all wide property of castle region was divided among their three daughters - Roze, Lucia and Maria. Each of sisters built new castle on their inherited land: Roze – built Rezekne (Rositten), Lucia – built Ludza (Lucin) and Maria - Vilaka (Marienhaus). But in someday so great castle Volkenberga ruined step by step after sisters leaving. In nowadays there are only ruins of defensive wall and collapsed catacombs.

Ancient stone calendar in Litavnieki -

Latgale ethnographical farmstead in Mundi

Odu Mountain (Gnats Mountain) a witness of Ludza ancient town – located in town Ludza, it is 18m high hill and stretches among Lielais Ludzas Lake in NW direction.

Kisu mountain (Ruffs mountain) – a platform from where Russian tsar Ivan IV made attack on Ludza castle – castle mound is located in Ludza district, Zvirgzdene rural municipality, on the NE coast of Lielais Ludzas Lake, where in small peninsula ends the longer mountains front. Castle mound is organized from three sides using natural bluffs, 14 m high hillsides on defended front.

Ludza local history museum – in a General’s Kulnevs patrimonial house is made museum with outdoor section, phone: +371 5723931; Ludza Crafters centre – craft salon-shop, exhibition hall, possibility to do activities by yourself. Phone: +371 29467925; +371 29123749;

Idena castle mound on the coast of Lubans Lake

Nearest lodging:

Preili district

Daugavpils district
    Park Hotel Latgola, +371 5420932,   

Kraslava districts
    Guest house „Zive”- 29185871
    Youth hostel „Zvanins”- 26541545
    Holiday house „Skerskani”- 29195745
    Guest house „Priedaine”- 26430798
    Holiday house „Arkadija”- 26410859
       Holiday house „Ezersetas”- 29166259;
    Holiday house, farm- „Zemenu krastini”- 29185234;

Rezekne district
   Recreation centre Razna”- 29994444;
   Recreation centre „Raznas licis”- 29176687;

Ludza district
    Recreation centre „Dzerkali”, +371 26324735,
    Guest house „Akmeni”, +371 26454793,
    Hotel „Ludza”, +371 26342090
    Guest house „Viksnas”, +371 29466588
    Recreation centre Cirmas ezerkrasts”, +371 28332523,