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Ostrova, Viski parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5479
Mob.phone: +371 26549373

Viski technical college, Viski parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 65476748. Mob.phone: +371 29431360

Čumine, Romanovi-2, Bērzgale, Bērzgales pag., Rēzeknes nov.
Mob.phone: +371 20028928

Katleši, Žīguru pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV-4584
Phone: + 371 645 63723. Mob.phone: + 371 26567080
Rout of ecotourism, with the help of guide. Exotic species of plants and trees, underground springs, secular trees.

Bebrenes muižas parks, Bebrenes pagasts, Daugavpils rajons, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5439
Mob.phone: +371 29446847

Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65622201
One of the highest observation towers in Latvia (32 m), from which a beautiful sight to Daugava can be viewed.

Vīrogna, Viski parish, Augšdaugavas nov.
Mob.phone: +371 29532939, +371 29532933

Ezera iela 9, Dagda, Dagdas nov., LV 5674
Mob.phone: +371 29180459
The beautiful rest on boats and catamarans on the Dagda lake

Kalnaji, Svente parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5473
Mob.phone: +371 22034430, +371 20382060

Indra Street 33, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., Lv-5601
Mob.phone: +371 25359589, +371 29244291
Discover and enjoy your holiday in the ecological Kraslava region with unforgettable views of nature, friendly people, excellent fishing and delicious local cuisine. Society „Active rest in Latgale” is able to organize your private or group holiday in Latgale.
„Active rest in Latgale” offers:
- 10 inflatable boats rental;
- 12 canoe rental;
- 14 kayak rental;
- other equipment rental (paddles, pumps, life jackets);
- delivery to your starting point and from your end point;
- on request a guide for your tour can be arranged;
- parking place for vehicles.

Spundžāni, Ozolmuižas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4633
Mob.phone: +371 26337449; +371 26227297
The horse riding on the territory of housekeeping and near locality with the help of trainer. The small trip in cart.

Skolas 11, Riebiņi, Riebiņu nov., LV-5326
Phone: 371 653 56807. Mob.phone: 371 29112796, 26339388,
The guest house and a picnic place is available for 6-8 persons. It is possible to arrange a camp for 6 persons that includes practical activities (living and working with horses).
We offer accommodations and relaxation by the horse farm. We offer horseback riding, carriage rides, photo sessions with horses, horseback riding and carriage rides for events, reittherapy (recreational gymnastics). The horse herd consists of selectively bred horses. In Riebiņi, the horses reside from their birth till they are 2 years old. Every day the horses are taken to a pen for them to freely run around, develop their agility by playing together and to spend time in fresh air. The horses get used to being around people and learn elementary norms of behavior. They really love playing, having fun in the snow and swimming in the water.
The name "Trīs vītolu staļļi" ("The Three Willow Stables") originates from the fact that two willows were planted in an equal distance from one large willow that stands by the stables. By the time they will grow large, several generations of horses will have grown in Riebiņi.

Dukstigala līcis, Čornaja, Čornajas pag., Rēzekne
Mob.phone: +371 29833890, +371 29299085

Stacijas iela 47a, Daugavpils
Phone: +371 65407190; +371 65407192; +371 65407191

Kurmenes 45, Rugāju pagasts, Rugāju nov., LV-4570
Phone: +371 29149202
Sporting-club "Rugaji" successfully organize for landrover rally roundaboubt competitions, Cross Country rally competitions, Trophy rally competitions. The popularity of trail driver competitions had grown in Latvia last years. They have big attendance among the people. More information about activities and possibilities www.rugaji-sk.lv

Ūdrišu parish, Lielie Muļķi, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Mob.phone: +371 29968900
Owners of the farm “Cīruļi” Inta and Pjotrs Babini invite you to explore the life of bees in the village “Lielie Muļķi”, which is situated in the nature park “Daugavas loki”. There is an opportunity to see the collection of stones and animal horns, also listen to legends and stories about the unusual village. It’s possible to observe and purchase oil paintings. Guests can visit the sacred spring, located in the farm area. In winter you can go skiing, sledging, snowboarding. During winter evenings you can be offered to taste mint tea with honey and find out what bees and beekeepers do in winter (groups up to 15 people). Degustation and purchase of the production.
Book your visit in advance.

Skredeļi, Audriņu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4611
Mob.phone: +371 26417666