Tourism objects

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Cultural-historical objects Museums
Slutiski, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5462
Phone: +371 65471321. +371 29468988
Cultural-historical objects Museums
Varšavas iela 14, Daugavpils
Phone: +371 65413237
Cultural-historical objects
Riebiņi, Riebiņu pagasts, Riebiņu nov., LV 5326
Phone: 371 653 22041. 371 20116431
It is located on the bank of not big river Feimanka, in the circle of centenarian linden. The castle was built in 19. century. It becomes famous with its variety of pictures and big and loud events. In the 20. century the rooms of the castle were given to the artists, writers and composers.
Cultural-historical objects
Ruskulova, Salnavas pagasts, Kārsavas nov., LV 5740 371 29327265
The estate was built on the side of czar's road from Russia to Europa in the 19. century. Around the wooden estate building was park with rare species of trees. It is on national protection. In the park was built original windmill. The excursions are led by guides of Salnava school.
Cultural-historical objects
Siverina, Rušonas pagasts, Riebiņu nov., LV 5329
The offering-stone on the Upursala (Offering island) - the old cult place of Latgallians, which is placed on the Upursala (Offering island) in Rušonu lake. In the centre part of Upursala is gaunt hill, where on the highest place of it is placed the stone, which also now is called as Upurakmens (Offering-stone) by people. The legends say, that some day on this stone was inscribed letters and lambs was taken here for sacrifice. There can't be seen the letters on the stone nowadays. The offering-stone is 1.2 m high, its perimeter on the ground is 5.5 m.
Cultural-historical objects
Kultūras laukums 6a, Viļāni, Viļānu novads, Viļānu nov., LV - 4650 +371 26572230
The complex of abbey was built after traditional Bernardians abbey, with the atrium. It is one of the rare architectural monuments of such style from the 18. century in Latvia.
Cultural-historical objects
Ūdrīšu parish, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 656 22201
People can observe geological formations, more than 300 milj years old sandstones and white clay.
Cultural-historical objects
Brīvības iela 30, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601 +371 26783660
Built in 1789 as a catholic chapel of St. Vincent hospital. In 1856 a piece of land was bought from count Platers in order to begin construction of a new church. The old St. Yuri church was torn down and a cross was put in the place of the demolished altar. Construction of the new church was finished in 08.09.1859 and it was consecrated in honor of Our Lady’s patronage. It was meant originally for both Orthodox and Old-believers. In 1867 it was consecrated as an Orthodox church. For visiting church please book in advance!
Cultural-historical objects
Ambeli, Ambeli parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 65475117
Cultural-historical objects
Vecpils, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 65471321, +371 65422818
Cultural-historical objects
Augstkalne, Ambeļu pagasts, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5400
Phone: +371 29470188
Augstkalnes Catholic parochial St. Familie Church is wooden building layed with bricks. It is 18,5 m high and 8,5 m wide. In spring 1946. Pope Janis Strods started to build new Church in the place, where old Church burnt down in 1944.
Cultural-historical objects
Auleja parish, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov., LV-5681 +371 26629078, +371 29378955
Aulejas Church is one of the oldest wooden churches in Latgale. It is built in 1530. The old church was very ruined during the war, therefore Jesuits built new wooden Church in 1626., which burnt in 1685. Our days church was built in 1709.
Cultural-historical objects
Indra parish, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov. +371 26263061
In former times Balbinova (Indra) had been in Piedruja congregation. In 1801 Nitoslavsku family asked Tsar Alexander I the permission to build their wooden chapel on the family cemetery. In 1803 chapel was built. In 1940 the new church building was almost completed, it was consecrated by Bishop Jazeps Rancans. Improvement works continued also after the consecration.
Cultural-historical objects
Baltinava, Baltinavas pagasts, Baltinavas nov., LV 4594 + 371 29341738 (muzejs)
It is very intersting not only from architectonic point of view, but also with its history of built - foundation-stone was placed in 1909., but building work was finished in 1931.
Cultural-historical objects
Baltinava, Baltinavas pagasts, Baltinavas nov., LV-4594 + 371 29341738 (muzejs)
In the park has partly stayed a set sundial (trees plantation on the certain circle) from the 19. century. There is built a variety in the farther part of the park, where happens different cultural arrangements in summer, the most remarkable of them is musical festival Osvalds.
Cultural-historical objects
Baltinava, Baltinavas pagasts, Baltinavas nov., LV-4594 + 371 29341738 (muzejs)
It is built in 1901.
Cultural-historical objects
Baznīcas iela 3, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501
Phone: +371 26388774
It was built in 1797. Church renovation was made in 2004.
Cultural-historical objects
Bērzpils iela 17, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501
Phone: +371 29638005
In 2005. celebrated the Church 90 years.
Cultural-historical objects
Bebrene, Bebrenes pagasts, Ilūkstes novads, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 26109353
In Bebrenes St. Jāņa Kristītāja Roman Catholic Church architecture is felt classicism styles features. It is built in 1797. - 1833. The Church and near built Bebrenes estate castle (1896.) is placed on one composition axis.
Cultural-historical objects
Smilšu iela 92 (Daugavpils Cultural Palace, 3rd floor, rooms 305-306), Daugavpils
Phone: 371 65424695. +371 20374840
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