Daugavpils Theatre is the only professional Latvian theatre in Latgale region. It stages plays in Latvian, Russian and Latgalian languages.
Currently the theatre operates in the Unity House (author - Verners Vitands) - a building with the best features of Functionalism and Neoclassicism architecture: rational planning organization and monumental outlook. The building opened on December 19, 1937. From October 2007 till May 2009 the theatre was undergoing a major renovation to restore the auditorium, cafe, vestibule and the Big Theatre Stage.
The theatre is situated in the city centre. The most important regular events in the big hall are live shows and concerts of various genre theatre performances. The most significant events held on a regular basis in the Big Stage include theatre plays of a various genre, guest performances and concerts. On the first-floor gallery of actors’ photo gallery is displayed. On the second floor of the building there is a thematic exhibition and a cafe, which opens an hour before the event.
The auditorium has a total capacity of 550 seats (stalls with boxes - 328 seats, balcony with boxes - 222 seats). The auditorium is not transformable. Theatre premises are perfect for cultural and social events. It is possible to hire lightning and sound equipment, a screen and a projector.
Currently the theatre operates in the Unity House (author - Verners Vitands) - a building with the best features of Functionalism and Neoclassicism architecture: rational planning organization and monumental outlook. The building opened on December 19, 1937. From October 2007 till May 2009 the theatre was undergoing a major renovation to restore the auditorium, cafe, vestibule and the Big Theatre Stage.
The theatre is situated in the city centre. The most important regular events in the big hall are live shows and concerts of various genre theatre performances. The most significant events held on a regular basis in the Big Stage include theatre plays of a various genre, guest performances and concerts. On the first-floor gallery of actors’ photo gallery is displayed. On the second floor of the building there is a thematic exhibition and a cafe, which opens an hour before the event.
The auditorium has a total capacity of 550 seats (stalls with boxes - 328 seats, balcony with boxes - 222 seats). The auditorium is not transformable. Theatre premises are perfect for cultural and social events. It is possible to hire lightning and sound equipment, a screen and a projector.
Phone: +371 6542 6720
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