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Rundēnu, Lauderu pagasti, Ludzas nov.
Mob.phone: +371 29327265
The holes made by meteorites are on national protection. It is the only one such object in Baltic.

Šķeltovas pagasts, Aglonas nov., LV 5653
Phone: 371 656 22201; 653 22100. Mob.phone: 371 29118597
It is not big, clear lake of very beautiful and unusual color. Ir is located in the bilberries forest. Velezers was taken for mysterious place for a long time.

Vecsaliena parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 65476748
The precipice of Ververi is placed on the left side of Daugava, in the circle of Ververi, opposite to the previous house of forester "Ververi". The beautiful natural site. The one of the most important precipices of valley banks of Daugava along the all onflow of river. The height is 42 m (above the water level of Daugava in period of summer), the length is about 370 m, the escarpments are very big, its slope is about 40°, but in some places it is 80°-90°, sometimes it makes also laps of negative slopes. The structure of precipice is conglomerate - sand, gravel and layers of moraine, which are deformed in creases.

Pilskalne, Pilskalnes pagasts, Daugavpils rajons, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 65462296. Mob.phone: +371 29264801
There are 5 routs - dendrological, geological, Sprīdītis trail fo children with 32 wooden sculptures, tho route "Vēstures liecinieki" (bunkers of German soldiers from the 1. World War), Augšzemes landscape trail (8 km) - biotope of a pond, 6 lakes, 22 anthills, the highest place in the territory of district (186 m a. s. l ), sight tower, hillforts, guest house "Driģenes"

Rusonas pagasts, Riebiņu nov., LV-5329
Castle mound of Šņepsti, the Large hill, is located on the left side of Preiļi - Aglona road (when going from Preiļi).
The hill that resembles a prolonged bread loaf, is 19 meters high. In the South-West side it was fortified with ditches, between which an ascend to the castle mound plateau was located. The plateau and the South descend have been cultivated from ancient times, that is why the dark black cultural layer, that covered the upside of the castle mound, has been mixed and ploughed downwards. The castle mound was destroyed largely by those who were seeking antiques. The local farmers for some Bogomoļeca father in Jaunā manor would carry lots and lots of antiques they found in the castle mound in order to get money. Latvian History musem still holds two oval 5th century lighter stones and other antiques. Some items found in the castle mound currently can be viewed in a musem in Vilnius, Lithuania. A tale tells, that there were two doors on the sides of the castle bound. Behind it a young girl sat with a black dog by her feet. The girl had to collect berries from a thorn bush for seven years. In other tales it was said, that she had lended her money for the local people for some time. One of them didn't pay it back on time and he was tormented be devils.