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Cietokšņa iela 60 (Ditton Nams Shopping Centre), Daugavpils, LV-5400
Phone: +371 65427102

Lielborne, Saliena parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov.
Mob.phone: +37129284480

Logini, Šķilbēnu pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV-4587
Phone: 371 645 21243. Mob.phone: 371 29132664
Three dendrological nature trails, which have their ends at the "sunken church". Exciting view place with the real relief. The place is very suitable for organizing activities and camps in the open air. In winter is possibility for distance skiing.

Treuhi, Čornajas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4617
Mob.phone: +371 26661666
There are offered stand, hunting shooting, manual

Griva aerodrome, Kalkuni parish, Daugavpils region, Augšdaugavas nov.
Mob.phone: +371 29265931, +371 29874294
"D.I.S.K." Sport Parachute Club - round parachute jumps or tandem skydiving, familiarization flights on AN -2 and JAK 18t planes, parachuting demonstrations.

Griva aerodrome, Kalkuni parish, Augšdaugavas nov.
Mob.phone: +371 29 637 858; +371 25 545 201
Tandem paragliding and motor hang gliding with an instructor. Teaching paragliding/hang gliding and pilot certification. Flights using a winch at Griva aerodrome. Air shows. Aerial photography.
Prior booking required.