Tourism objects

Services offered
Saunas Tents places Premises for conferences Crafts Cultural-historical objects Public Internet access Places to have a meal Museums Nature specimens Overnight accommodations at the countryside Overnight accommodations in the towns Recreation near the water Horse ridings Active rest SPA
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Saunas Tents places Public Internet access Overnight accommodations at the countryside Recreation near the water Horse ridings
Tartakas 7, Aglona, Aglonas pagasts, Aglonas nov., LV 5304 371 26312465
For children pony riding.
Overnight accommodations at the countryside Horse ridings Active rest
Kaplava, Kaplavas pagasts, Krāslavas novads, LV-5668 +371 29472638
The horse farm offers horse riding and hiking, walking trails in the Daugava valleys and on the Latvian-Belarusian border.
Horse ridings Active rest
Bebrenes muižas parks, Bebrenes pagasts, Daugavpils rajons, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5439 +371 29446847
Horse ridings
Riebiņi, Skolas street 18, Riebiņu pagasts, Riebiņu nov., LV 5326
Phone: 371 653 56807. 371 29112796, 26339388
offers horseback rides, carriage rides, photo sessions with horses, horseback rides and carriage rides for events, reittherapy (recreational gymnastics). The herd consists of specially bred horses. In Riebiņi, horses spend time from birth till they turn 2 years old. Every day the horses are taken out in the pasture for them to run around, play and enjoy fresh air. The horses get used to people and learn basic norms of behavior. They enjoy playing around, having fun in the snow and swimming. Ltd "Trīs vītolu staļļi" (in English - "Three willow stables") name originates from the fact, that nearby the stables there is a large willow and two other willows were planted in an equal distance from it. When they grow up, several generations of horses will have grown up in Riebiņi. Horses are available for concours d'elegance and for dressage, fillies and colts. The mares are being coupled with imported stallions, and locally grown stallions, that have been recognized by Latvian Horsekeeper Association. There is a possibility to artificially couple mares with German stallions from catalgoues. The horse farm works with creating and developing a gene pool of Latvian horses. The horse farm offers mare coupling naturally and artificially. The horse farm also offers a one hour long seminar in which they share their experience about horse breeding.
Horse ridings Active rest
Spundžāni, Ozolmuižas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4633 +371 26337449; +371 26227297
The horse riding on the territory of housekeeping and near locality with the help of trainer. The small trip in cart. Reittherapy. In summer are days classes for children of 8 - 12 years.
Horse ridings
Šļakoti, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4622 +371 28745654; +371 26283607
It is offered horse riding; to go for a ride in cart. In winter is skijoring, organizing of driving competitions.
Horse ridings
Rugāju, Rugāju nov., LV-4570 + 371 28764175
In the summer is horse riding (3 people on the same time) to drive with cart), in winter - sledge driving