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Kapiņu 5, Jaunaglona, Aglonas pagasts, Aglonas nov., LV 5313
Phone: 371 653 26165. Mob.phone: 371 29910288; 371 29910260
The object is placed in 500 m from Rušonas lake.

Beitāni, Dagdas novads, Dagdas nov., LV 5674
Mob.phone: +371 29175521
It is located on Gaļšūna lake bank

Rugāju pagasts, Rugāju nov., LV-4570
Resting ground on Boževas lake, volleyball court, fishing

Aglona, Preiļu rajons, Aglonas nov., LV 5304
Mob.phone: 371 26123809
It is placed in 50 m from Cirisa lake.

Čumine, Romanovi-2, Bērzgale, Bērzgales pag., Rēzeknes nov.
Mob.phone: +371 20028928

Kaimiņi, Lipuški, Mākoņkalna pag., Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4626
Mob.phone: +371 24227765

Vīrogna, Viski parish, Augšdaugavas nov.
Mob.phone: +371 29532939, +371 29532933

Indra Street 33, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., Lv-5601
Mob.phone: +371 25359589, +371 29244291
Discover and enjoy your holiday in the ecological Kraslava region with unforgettable views of nature, friendly people, excellent fishing and delicious local cuisine. Society „Active rest in Latgale” is able to organize your private or group holiday in Latgale.
„Active rest in Latgale” offers:
- 10 inflatable boats rental;
- 12 canoe rental;
- 14 kayak rental;
- other equipment rental (paddles, pumps, life jackets);
- delivery to your starting point and from your end point;
- on request a guide for your tour can be arranged;
- parking place for vehicles.

Dukstigala līcis, Čornaja, Čornajas pag., Rēzekne
Mob.phone: +371 29833890, +371 29299085

Naujene, Tabore, Vecsaliena, Skrudaliena, Saliena parishes, Augšdaugavas nov.
Phone: +371 65471321