Tourism objects

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Cultural-historical objects
Šķilbēni, Šķilbēnu pagasts, Viļakas nov., LV-4587
Phone: +371 645 46277
It was built at the and of 19. century. It is stayed the landlord house, the park of estate.
Cultural-historical objects
Demene, Demene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov., LV-5442
Phone: +371 65422818
Cultural-historical objects
Raiņa iela 4, Rēzekne, LV - 4601 +371 26332249
The local cultural monument. The church was built in 1938., rebuilt and the property of parish from 1994. There is seen altar piece of A. Egle "Kristus glābj slīcējus" ("Christ rescues drowning people"), which half a century was taken for lost.
Cultural-historical objects
Daugavpils, Daugavpils
Phone: +371 65422818. +371 26444810
Cultural-historical objects
Subate, Subate, Ilūkstes nov.
Phone: +371 65463357. +371 28604244
The historical centre of the town Subate is included in the list of town planning monuments of national value. The sights of the town : the building of the N part of marketplace in Subate, the buildings with the even numbers on the Brīvības steet, Brīvības street 100 m in the direction of NW from the 28. house, the avenue in the direction of SE to the lake, the line in the direction of E over the lake to the Baznīcas street 41, the buildings of the side with uneven numbers on Baznīcas street, the buildings of the side with even numbers of houses on Ilūkstes street, avenue from Ilūkstes street 10 to Pētera street 1, the line in the direction of NE till the corner on E of previous Jewish cemetary, the borderline E and N of cemetary, the line in the direction of NW over the alke till Upes street 24, the line in the direction of W till Ziemeļu street 4, the buildings of the side with even numbers of houses on Ziemeļu street, the buildings of the side with uneven numbers of houses on Domes street 49 till Tirgus place. More information :
Crafts Cultural-historical objects
14 Parka Street, Ambeli, Ambeli parish, Daugavpils nov. +371 22014654, 371 29142802
Cultural-historical objects
Ilzeskalns, Ilzeskalna pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4619
Phone: +371 64644580 (pašvaldība)
National cultural monument. In the church are seen pictures and icons of 19. century.
Cultural-historical objects
Vienības laukums 3, Ilūkste, Ilūkstes novads, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5447
Phone: +371 65462580
The Lutheran Church in Ilūkste (1865), it was damaged during in the zig-zag lines of history several times. The church was damaged during the First World War, later it was rebuilt for parish money (1928). In the 20 century 20. years the Soviet power dispossess it and adapted for "worldly things". Here was club, the cinema and finally the children sport school of region. The parish got back the property on the beginning of 90. years, and in 1993. here took place the first worship. The parish made big efforts and now the church got its previous image. Again was built a tower, is altar (its building and indoors works were made by students of Rīgas handicraft school), harmonium, the pulpit and other inventory. But on the church's tower sounds the bell, which was given as a present by Hādreslēvas (Denmark) parish.
Cultural-historical objects
Eglaine, Eglaines pagasts, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5444 +371 20028330
The Lutheran Church in Laši is stone building. It was built in 1805. In the garden of church is churchyard. There are graves of German army soldiers from the First World War.
Cultural-historical objects
Subate, Subate, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5471
Phone: +371 65463357. +371 28604244
The Lutheran Church of Subate, which was built in 1685., has the special place in the history of art in Latvia. At the first, its architecture is totally different from the traditional architecture of churches of countrysides in Latvia. At the second, the name of Subate is used to say about the group of woodcarvers and woodsculptors, which at the end of 17. century made a lot of different equipments for churches in Latvia and Lithuania. The equipment of the church in Subate, probable, was the biggest piece of work of this group, it was reconstructed just a little. Under the rich decoration can be easy seen the construction of the building, which is supplemented with the big number of sculptures and narrative mouldings.
Cultural-historical objects
Abrenes iela 17, Viļaka, Viļakas nov., LV-4583
It was built in 1928. Near the church is located ancient burial place of Fenno-Ugrian peoples.
Cultural-historical objects
Slutiski, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
Cultural-historical objects
Sūnupļava, Rundēnu pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV 5739 371 29469278
The memorial ensemble for the 10 heroes of different nationalities from the Second World War, who protected the highland Nr. 144 and were fallen. It is located on the roadside Rundēni - Lauderi. The memorial ensemble is made from big boulders.
Cultural-historical objects
Dviete, Dvietes pagasts, Ilūkstes nov.
Phone: +371 65422818
The memorial stone for selectionist Pauls Sukatnieks (1991.) It is thanks sign for life-work of P. Sukatnieks. He grew different sorts of grapes, which were suitable for Latian climate. It is placed near "Apsīšu" house, where lived and worked famous selectionist.
Cultural-historical objects
Eglaine, Eglaines pagasts, Ilūkstes nov. +371 20028330
In 1714. August 27. in district Laši (now district Eglaine) was born Gothards Fridrihs Stenders - the priest of German nationality, enlightener, the father of Latvian temporal literature, linguist, called also as Old Stenders. In 1989. here, in honour of his 275 anniversary, was opened the memorial stone and museum.
Cultural-historical objects
Partizānu un Brīvības ielas krustojums, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501
The monument for killed soldiers of Latgale partisans regiment is called by people "Staņislavs". The first time was placed in 1938., demolished two times, and after long years in 1993. it was placed on the same place. The creators of the restored monument are I. Folkmanis and A. Jansons.
Cultural-historical objects
Rīgas Street (next to House No. 52), Krāslava, Krāslavas nov. +371 65623586
Opened on November 11, 2003. It is dedicated to the memory of all victims of Kraslava municipality during the terror of occupational regime. The sculptors are Indulis and Ivo Folkmaņi from Daugavpils. The monument is erected thanks to the initiative of Kraslava department of politically repressed and with the support of the Latvian fund.
Cultural-historical objects
Zilupe, Zilupes nov., LV 5751 371 28656530 (gide-Ilga Ivanova)
The mortuary was built in the old cemetary in the 19. century, with the interesting interior. It is on national protection. The excursions with the guide along Zilupe and its locality.
Cultural-historical objects
Siņicina iela 4, Rēzekne, LV - 4601
Phone: +371 64625471. +371 26354441
Icons, bell-tower with the heaviest bell in Baltic (5 t). It was casted from the silver roubles of the old-believer donors from Latgale. There is the icon, made at the end of 16. century „Par Tevi priecājos" ("Glad for You"). Sunday School. Price
Cultural-historical objects
Panteliski, Bikernieki parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 28292574
The chapel was built at the end of 19. century. It is built from sills, plated with horizontal planks. There is high bell-tower, which is covererd with four-sided roof. The windows are decorated with jamb, which is ornamented with woodcuts.
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2007 Latgale Region Development Agency