Tourism objects

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Cultural-historical objects
Dubna, Dubna parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 29155921
Dubnas Jesus Heart parochial chapel (Varsavena) was built in 1800. as peculiar octagonal wooden building with elongation in the part of altar. This is the only one kind of such a cult building in Daugavpils district.
Cultural-historical objects
Naujene, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
Cultural-historical objects
Jezufova, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov., LV-5462 +371 26790362, +371 29325738
Jezufovas (Jezupovas) St. Peter and Pavil Roman Catholic Church was started in 1934. and finished in 1961. After the church's building it was taken away and given to organize a club. In 1989. the church was given back to parish.
Cultural-historical objects
Kalupe, Kalupe parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 29155921
In 1861. was set foundation of the church in Kalupe. It was confirmed by dean Kopecs from Līksna. The building of church was stopped for 20 years of the political events. Only in 1881. was signed an agreement with masters for 8925 rubles about the bricks church building in Kalupe. The resources were given by parish, count Platers - Zibergs and dean S. Beinarovichs. After one year the church was built and in 1882. dean S. Beinarovichs confirmed it. This year of building is memorialized on the facade of church: "1882. Deo ornnipotentis" More information :
Cultural-historical objects
Augusta Street (behind number 28), Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65622201. +371 29376090
A picturesque place that has a connection with a romantic legend about a big and devoted love between Count Plāter’s daughter Emīlija and a Polish officer Jozefs Karnickis. A fascinating event which had a tragic end happened in 1838 in Krāslava. The young people fell in love with each other. Count Plāters was against that love. Emīlija and Jozefs decided to kill themselves on one day: Jozefs had to shoot himself on one of Krāslava’s hills, but Emīlija had to jump out of the window of the third floor of Krāslava castle. After seeing the sign Jozefs shot himself, but Emīlija was saved by a servant at the last moment. Jozefs was buried on the place of his death. A monument was built. In 2020, a viewing telescope was installed on the top of the Karnicka hill, which currently allows to enjoy a wonderful view of the Daugava bends and the architecture of Krāslava.
Cultural-historical objects
Stacijas iela 36, Kārsava, Kārsavas nov., LV 5717 371 20235963
Wonderful wooden Orthodox Church was built in Slavic style, with the large garden, where good known father Viktor listens to the believrs. Exursions around the Kārsava city guides a school guide.
Cultural-historical objects
Kaunata, Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4622
Phone: +371 64667000 (pašvaldība). +371 29751333
Cultural-historical objects
Kombuļi, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov., LV-5656 +371 29378955
When in 1767 a new stone church was built in Krāslava, the old had been demolished and transferred to Kombuli. This church in Kombuli existed for about 60 years. In 1818 the old wooden church was demolished and a stone chapel was built, it was dedicated to St. Janis honour. It was Krāslava church branch. The improvement and reconstruction works of the church continued until the 40s in the 20th century. For visiting church please book in advance!
Cultural-historical objects
Grāfu Plāteru Street 2, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601 +371 26173083
The Lutheran Church, partly surrounded by old trees, is situated in Krāslava, in the corner of Counts Plāters park. The first foundation stone had been placed in 1935 but the church had been consecrated in 1938. The church had worked until 1944. In the 1950s, the church tower had been pulled down. In 1984 the museum exhibition hall was established here, it was located here until 1996, when the congregation regained the church. Services in Kraslavas Lutheran congregation are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. For visiting church please book in advance!
Cultural-historical objects
Krivosejeva, Bikernieki parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 28292574
Cultural-historical objects
Lauderi, Lauderu pagasts, Zilupes nov., LV 5722
Phone: 657 29678 (pagasta padome). 371 26592725
National defensed Orthodox wooden Church was built in 18.century, valuable pieces of art and sacred pieces.
Cultural-historical objects
Baznīckalns, Baznīcas iela 52, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV 5701
Phone: 371 657 25653
In 1993. renovated white Catholic church with J. Bārda pictures of the Way of the Cross. Near the church is prayer and resting place chapel of Eversmuižas counts Karņicki (1738.), belfry, near is statue of St. Mary, Māra queen of the earth made by Leons Tomašickis.
Cultural-historical objects
Latgales iela 121, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV 5701 371 26673089
In 1845. built church stands in a beauty in the centre of the town's old part. It was built in style of Russian classicism. It is national protected architectural monument.
Cultural-historical objects
Egipte, Medumi parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov., LV-5460
Phone: +371 65476748
Egyptian Lutheran parochial Church in Valkumiesta was started by landlord A. Etingens in 1823. In 1863. was built church's tower. During the First World War the church was ruined, during the Second World War it was totally smashed up. Egyptian Evangelical - Lutheran Church is placed in previous Ilūkstes district. Now it is Daugavpils region, the territory of small district Medumi, near the Republic of Lithuania border. Egyptian Evangelical - Lutheran parish was built by command of Courland duke in 1567. February 28. He wanted to see the new church building. In 1584. Egyptian parish had its own parson. On turn of the 16. and 17. century near the Egyptian Church appeared small village, which was called as Vilkumiests. It is also the real Latvian name of the parish. Egyptian parish had a lot of different wooden churchs, the last of them was ruined during the French War in 1812. Landlord of Kalkūnes and Medņi (Medumi) started to build a stone church in 1823. It was confirmed in 1825. July 5. A Etingens (Oettingen) made the full renovation of church and build a tower in 1863. With the building of Egyptian parish Medņu landlord V. Fistenbergs built a rectory. It was also damaged during the wars, also as the church, because it was placed on the Daugavpils highroad's side. Archives of the parish were destroyed during the French War and especially during the First World War.
Cultural-historical objects
Puškina iela 15, Kārsava, Kārsavas nov., LV 5717
Phone: 371 657 33558. 371 26528282; 371 29327265
The wooden Catholic Church was built in 1741, near is new, beautiful church more bigger and more poweful, which in 2003. October 5. opened the doors for congregations.
Cultural-historical objects
Brunene, Skrudaliena parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65476748, +371 65422818
Cultural-historical objects
Slutiski, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
40 m high. It is placed in country park "Daugavas loki"
Cultural-historical objects
Maskovskaja, Viski parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 29897413
Cultural-historical objects
Medumi, Medumi parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov., LV-5460 +371 29683961
Medumi Catholic Church was built 1933. - 1935. under supervision of dean J. Plonis for money of the parish. Its architect was Pavlovs.
Cultural-historical objects
Vecpils, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321, +371 65422818
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2007 Latgale Region Development Agency