Tourism objects

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Cultural-historical objects
Skolas iela 19, Subate, Ilūkstes nov.
Phone: +371 65463357. +371 28604244
The old-believers chapel of Subate was built at the end of 19. century.
Cultural-historical objects
Raiņa 2a, Ilūkste, Ilūkstes novads, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5447
Phone: +371 65462450
The Orthodox Church of the birth of Our Lady (1880) had also a cloister and 7 forms school. Also this church had a lot of damages during the war and Soviet power, which closed the church. The restoration works of the church started in 2001. For not big red-bricks church is characteristic outer wall-painting.
Cultural-historical objects
Atbrīvošanas aleja 98, Rēzekne, LV - 4601 +371 25778825
The cultural monument of national value. There are seen a lot of icons and the collection of art objects. The oldest church building in the town Rēzekne was started in 1840. In the church is three-level iconostasis. Near the church is located the chapel of St. A. Ņevskis, built in 1867.
Cultural-historical objects
Vecslabada, Istras pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV 5748
Phone: 371 657 29507. 371 26370730
In 1908. built the church, monumental stone building in Russian style. It is the biggest Orthodox Church of countryside in Latvia.
Cultural-historical objects
Zemgales 1, Ilūkste, Ilūkstes novads, Ilūkstes nov., LV-5447
Phone: +371 65462580
The Roman Catholic Church in Ilūkste was built in 1816. for Katrin Zīberga money and it was given to members of Uniat(e) Church. In 1861. the church turned to Orthodox, but started from 1920. it is again in catholic parish use.
Cultural-historical objects
Baznīcas Street 2a, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65623939, +371 65622201
The church is one of the most characteristic samples of Baroque style in Latgale. The first church was built in 1580-1590 by Miķelis de Brunavs, and it was wooden. The current stone church was constructed from 1755 to 1767, built according to the sketches of the Italian architect Antonio Parako. The altarpiece “St. Ludvik Leaves for Crusade” represents the artistic culmination of the interior. It is one of the most valuable art findings of the last years. The masterpiece gives a wonderful lighting effect. There are two portraits of the 2nd half of the 18th century made by the Italian painter Filipo Castaldi: one is the portrait of Count Konstantīns Ludvigs Plāters and the second - Countess Augusta Plāters (born as Oginska), who were the founders of the church. The church features a Baroque pulpit, seven confessionals (middle of the 18th century and later), paintings in the side altars, among the most notable the following must be mentioned – St. Jāzeps, St. Antonijs, St. Vincents, St. Juris, St. Stanislavs and others. Talking about Krāslava Catholic Church and its significance for the region, one should pay attention to the martyr St. Donat’s relics that attract numerous Pilgrims making Krāslava town the second most significant pilgrimage place in Latgale after Aglona Catholic basilica. In 1790 thanks to the meditation of Pope Pia VI the holiday of St. Donat with the remission of people’s sins was proclaimed that it is celebrated on the first Sunday after St.Peter’s Day. Under the auspices of the church, there has been the first higher education institution in Latvia - Krāslava theological seminary. In 2015 in the church were finished ambitious restoration works. The restoration of impressive painting – altar fresco titled “St. Ludwig Leaves for Crusade” took 12 years, the author of the work was Filippo Castaldi, painting is dated to 18th century 60-ties.
Cultural-historical objects
Ozolmuiža, Ozolmuižas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4633
Phone: +371 64640224 (pašvaldība)
In 1820. built stone church. The cultural monument of national value. Price
Cultural-historical objects
Stoļerova, Stoļerovas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4642 +371 27128997
The building of the church was finished in 1999.
Cultural-historical objects
Atbrīvošanas aleja 87/ 89, Rēzekne, LV - 4601
Phone: +371 64623500
The building of the church was finished in 1936. The church was dedicated to the Virgin of Pain (the central altar). There are icons from the beginning of the 20. century. In the churchgarden is the statue of the Virgin Fatima. The souvenirs can be bought during the church services or public holidays.
Cultural-historical objects
Vabole parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471009. +371 28213377
For Vaboles district is characteristic that here was and also now is the biggest number of crucifixes in Latvia. After 20. century 40.years a lot of them were destroyed. From the 44 crucifixes are stayed only 29. In the 80. - 90. the people of village started the restoration of crucifixes. In 1998. Skrindu museum restored 2 crucifixes for the resources of Ministry of Culture. Thanks to fund of Cultural Capital the work on the restoration of crucifixes continues.
Cultural-historical objects
"Pastari", Stabulnieku pagasts, Riebiņu nov., LV 5320 371 29464960, 26465998
It is unique, because it is the only one reconstructed mill of Dutch style with the turned mechanism of screen in Latvia.
Cultural-historical objects
Daļa no Odu, Tirgus, Baznīcas, Tālavijas, Kr. Barona, Stacijas, J.Soikāna ielām., Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV 5701
Phone: 371 657 07203. 371 29467925
The architectural monument is on national town planning defense. It is wooden one-storied building from 19. century, which is characteristic for Latgale. It was previous marketplace. The guids of local history museum of Ludza acquaint with this object during the excursion of Ludza town.
Cultural-historical objects
Rīgas iela 22a, Daugavpils
Phone: +371 65426000
Vienības nams (The house of unity) - cultural, rest and business centre (Rīgas street 22a). The biggest building in Baltic, which was built since independence of Latvia. It was projected by architector V. Vitands. The foundation-stone of building was placed by president of Latvia Kārlis Ulmanis.
Cultural-historical objects
Zaļesje, Zaļesjes pagasts, Zilupes nov., LV 5751
Phone: 371 657 29874
The property of baron Rozens. The estate, park, household buildings and servant's house on the lake bank.
Cultural-historical objects
Zemgale, Demene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov. +371 27146299
It was confirmed in 2006. The church is located in the building of previous estate and Zemgale station buildings. (1928.)
Cultural-historical objects
Zilupe, Zilupe, Zilupes nov., LV 5751 371 28656530; 371 26516714
In 1934. the bishop Rancāns confirmed the renewed form of the old wooden church, which was transported from Raipole. It has 2 bell-towers and built sacristy.
Cultural-historical objects
Jaunbūve, Daugavpils
Phone: +371 65422818 (Daugavpils TIC). +371 26444810
Cultural-historical objects Nature specimens
Rusonas pagasts, Riebiņu nov., LV-5329
Castle mound of Šņepsti, the Large hill, is located on the left side of Preiļi - Aglona road (when going from Preiļi). The hill that resembles a prolonged bread loaf, is 19 meters high. In the South-West side it was fortified with ditches, between which an ascend to the castle mound plateau was located. The plateau and the South descend have been cultivated from ancient times, that is why the dark black cultural layer, that covered the upside of the castle mound, has been mixed and ploughed downwards. The castle mound was destroyed largely by those who were seeking antiques. The local farmers for some Bogomoļeca father in Jaunā manor would carry lots and lots of antiques they found in the castle mound in order to get money. Latvian History musem still holds two oval 5th century lighter stones and other antiques. Some items found in the castle mound currently can be viewed in a musem in Vilnius, Lithuania. A tale tells, that there were two doors on the sides of the castle bound. Behind it a young girl sat with a black dog by her feet. The girl had to collect berries from a thorn bush for seven years. In other tales it was said, that she had lended her money for the local people for some time. One of them didn't pay it back on time and he was tormented be devils.
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2007 Latgale Region Development Agency