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Cirmas pagasts, Ludzas nov.
Mob.phone: 371 29123749 ("Cirmas pludmale"); 371 28332523 ("Cirmas ezerkrasts")
Cirmas lake is one of the most clean and for rest suitable lakes.
Piedruja, Piedruja parish, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov., LV-5662
Mob.phone: +371 26357228
On this stone is inscribed the name of the river Daugava in 7 languages: Estonian, Finnish, Russian, Polish, German, Liv, Latvian. There is a possibility to see Latvian and Byelorussian boundary post, and also station of early notification and monitoring (quality control of water in Daugava), which is one in all Latvia.
Dagda, Dagdas nov.
It is wonderful place. It is included in most the routs. Interesting history. In park are caves of Dagda and open-air stage.
Robežnieki, Robežnieki parish, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov., LV-5666
Mob.phone: +371 29168868
There are approximately 300 rabbits of 12 different breeds here. In order to popularize Robežnieki rural municipality and to restore traditions of previous years, in 2011, the farm launched a new industry – horse breeding (trotter breeding).
Book your visit in advance!
Meikšāni, Pasienes pagasts, Zilupes nov., LV 5732
Phone: 371 657 29925 (pagasta padome). Mob.phone: 371 28656530 (gide-Ilga Ivanova)
Original geological formation - sandosar kettle back, is formed 14 milj years ago in the crack of glacier, with the rare fauna species and scales-alars, under the national defense. Near the nature trail is only beach, the place of rest. Tourists must have passports, because it is the borderland.
Kaplava, Kaplavas pagasts, Krāslavas nov., LV-5668
Mob.phone: +371 29472638
The mosquito trail introduces you to forest and swamp landscapes, where you can see various plants: hogweeds, sedges, as well as encounter forest bees. Possibility to visit the "concert hall" of the swamp, in the spruce forest, to see the burrows of wild boars, specially grown trees (birch, spruce and pine).
Jaunaglonas ciems, Aglonas pagasts, Aglonas nov., LV 5304
Phone: 371 653 22100. Mob.phone: 371 29118597
The cult place of the old Latgallians. The size of stone is huge -1.5x2.7x3.2 m. On the stone is made one cylindrical cavity. The stone is foundation-stone of previous chapel, on this stone was altar. The stone gave also the name for this place Kameneca.
Kazici, Rundēnu pagasts, Ludzas nov., LV 5739
Mob.phone: 371 29469278 (gide)
The big, old cult stone of Baltic tribes, which played also the role of a border line.
Šalupinki, Zvirgzdenes pagasts, Ciblas nov., LV 5752
Phone: 65707203
The ancient hillfort on the Lielā Ludzas lake bank. There is beautiful view over the lake on Ludza town. Near are the ancient settlement places.
Skaista, Kombuļi rural municipality, Krāslava Municipality, Krāslavas nov.
Drīdzis is the deepest lake in the Baltic States. The lake has characteristic elongated shape, many bays, nine islands; the biggest of them is the island Bernātu sala (13,9 ha). Lake is curving like a river. It makes many creeks and peninsulas. Maximum depth reaches 65,1 m. The length of the shore reaches 11 km. The widest place is 1 km. From the hills the great panorama of many lakes is seen. Drīdzis is in the territory of a protected nature park.
It’s necessary to have passports!
Kaunatas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4622
It is located in 3 km from Dubuļu village. The third highest top in Latvia (289 m a.s.l.)
Dagda, Dagdas nov., LV 5674
Phone: +371 656 81420; +371 25727379
The relative highness about 30 m. In the mountain is stayed the old well. The place with different stories, on the place of previous church existed a mountain. From the mountain is beautiful view on Dagda town.
Nagļu, Gaigalavas pagasti, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov.
Mob.phone: +371 28301143
You can have a look at uniqueness of flora and fauna with the help of 4 birds observation towers and 800 m long footbridge on the Tīrumnieku pond. Ideņas hillfort, Nagļu fish farm
Madelānu sādža, Aglonas pagasts, Aglonas nov., LV 5304
Phone: 371 653 22100. Mob.phone: 371 26463455 (Jānis); 371 29118597
Madelānu hillfort is taken for one of the beautiful in Latvia. Its relative height is about 20 m. Madelānu hillfort is reach with archaeological excavation, which says about accupations of old Latgallians, way of life, building, industrial and art level. There is also tale about castle, which was placed on the Madelānu hillfort and sunken. Price
Mākoņkalns, Mākoņkalna pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, Rēzeknes nov., LV - 4626
Phone: +371 29139677
There are a lot of different stories about Mākoņkalns (247 m a. s. l.) with Volkenberga castle ruins, from which is beautiful view on the Rāznas lake.
Markova, Naujene parish, Daugavpils region, Daugavpils nov.
Phone: +371 65471321
The trail was made 1993. - 1994. in one of the beautiful places of Augšdaugava - lower reach of Putānu broom near Markova cemetary. The trail was made by students and teaching staff of Daugavpils University. The author of commodity elements is architect A. Melderis. The trail was opened in May of 1994. during the Daugavas week, which was organized by Cultural Fund of Latvia. There took part also the president of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis. The aim of the trail is to acquaint travellers with variety of nature of Daugavas valley, monuments of cultural history and wonderful landscapes and to develop the education of environment. The trail makes the finished tour 1.6 m long and can be passed about for 1 till 2 hours. The objects for visit aren't marked. They are described and marked on the map of the trail. To objects of Markovas trail belong :1) stands of hen-and-chicken’s houseleek shoots, 2) stands of anemones, 3) hillfort Markova, 4) the mark of storage reservoir level of designed Daugavpils HES, 5)Putānu broom, 6) the boulder of valley of Putānu broom, 7) Slutišķu village, 8) meander arch of Daugavguards, 9) Slutišķu battle, 10) "Daugavas vārti" (Daugavas gate), 11) Lazdukalns (mountain).
Ruduki, Rugāju pagasts, Rugāju nov., LV-4563
1.5 m high and 6 m long and broad Medņi boulder is placed in the centre of field. In 1.5 km from Medņi, to go along the road Balvi - Rēzekne, about 100 m on the North from bus station Ruduka.
Krāslava, Ūdrīšu parish, Kaplava parish, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Phone: +371 65471321
Daugavas loki (bends) is a nature park in Daugava river valley between Kraslava and Naujene in Augsdaugavas protected landscape area. The territory of park is 129.9 km2, 76 km2 of which are located in Daugavpils and 53.9 km2 in Kraslavas region. It had been founded in 1990 to preserve the unique and peculiar Daugavas river valley landscape, its valuable natural complexes, its biodiversity of plant and animal species, as well as its cultural-historic monuments. The most characteristic nature feature of "Daugavas loki" is 10 big Daugavas river bends (meanders) between Kraslava and Naujene. Each of this river bend's length reaches up to 4 - 6 km, but the distance between the bends on the straightaway is only 2 - 3 km. Each of these bends has its own name. In 2011, it was included in the Latvian national list of the UNESCO World Heritage.