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Ciriša Upursalas dabas taka

Upursala or Mountain Island is 16 hectares large, overgrown with mixed forest. Up to the present day over various nostāsti.Viens tells that in ancient times Upurslas Upurkalnā sacrificing the girls later-livestock. Priests studied, of which half nosvērtās wreath of smoke: if the Voguļu village - the victim was given where the Aglona-rejected.Trips to the raft.View of the island.
Upursala or Mountain Island is 16 hectares large, overgrown with mixed forest. Up to the present day over various nostāsti.Viens tells that in ancient times Upurslas Upurkalnā sacrificing the girls later-livestock. Priests studied, of which half nosvērtās wreath of smoke: if the Voguļu village - the victim was given where the Aglona-rejected.
Trips to the raft.
View of the island.
2007 Latgale Region Development Agency