Special offer for participants of National Dog Show 2017 from "Park Hotel Latgola"

26.10.2016-20.01.2017, Park Hotel Latgola, 46 Gimnazijas Street, Daugavpils

"Park Hotel Latgola" invites participants of National all breeds dog show “Latgale Cup 2017” and “Winter’s tale in Latgale 2017” to use special offer for staying in Daugavpils during the show with their pets on favorable terms.


• Standard single room – 35,00 EUR (per day);
• Standard double room – 40,00 EUR (per day);
• Additional fee for one any size pet stay at the hotel during these days – 7,00 EUR!
The offer is valid from January 20, 2017 until January 23, 2017 if the reservation is made directly at Park Hotel Latgola reception by calling (+371) 65404900 or by e-mail:!
2007 Latgale Region Development Agency